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Five tips for creating the right multi-level lighting

About 50 years ago the ideal lighting in the apartment was considered to be hanging – preferably crystal – chandelier, a floor lamp near an armchair, and a sconce in the bedroom. However, today an interior in this style is far from an ideal solution. Single chandeliers have long been replaced by multi-level lighting. This is a modern trend in design, allowing us to solve several functional and decorative tasks at once. What is multi-level lighting, why is it necessary and what are the rules for its construction?  In today’s article, we will tell you more about this.

Multi-level lighting

Multi-level lighting is a modern trend that allows you to solve several problems at once

What is multi-level lighting?

The answer lies in the concept itself: this is not one level of lighting (the same notorious chandelier or spotlights), but many. Specialists divide multi-level lighting into 4 types – upper, middle, lower, internal. Each performs its tasks and is built on its own principles.

What are the main advantages of multi-level lighting?
  • Zoning of the room – With the help of various lamps and their competent arrangement, you can divide a small room into several functional zones. In this case, you do not have to resort to repair work, furniture relocation, and proper arrangement of accessories.
  • Changing the space to eliminate defects – Light illusions alone will allow you to expand the room, raise the ceilings, give a rectangular room a square shape, etc.
  • Dressing and accenting – Thoughtful lighting will help create an atmosphere that matches your current mood. For example, a relaxing environment, a sense of comfort, coziness, if you want to relax, or, conversely, a business spirit, when it is important to concentrate and keep yourself in good shape. Reception, watching television, doing favorite crafts – all this requires its own coverage. Multi-level lighting is an opportunity to create any interior, from business to romantically intimate, to bring aesthetics, beauty, freedom into it, while retaining all the functionality.

Five rules for creating multi-level lighting

1. Use four lighting groups

Follow the recommendations of specialists and use four groups of multi-level lighting:

  • Overhead light (or general lighting). Its main purpose is utilitarian: it makes the room bright. This is especially important when you receive guests, clean up, etc.
  • Medium-light. It is also called a worker light. It is necessary for lighting certain areas in the apartment – places for work, reading, hobbies, as well as for decorative highlighting of interior items. It makes the room voluminous.
  • Low light. Lamps are placed at a height below the level of human eyes. Often used to illuminate the stairs, vector floor lighting when moving from one room to another.
  • Inner Light. Use when illuminating cabinets, dressing rooms. Convenient for highlighting collections, such as souvenirs brought from your travels, decorative interior items.

Multi-level lighting

2. Pick the right lights

Chandeliers and spotlights are best suited for the overhead light. Also, a decorative opening with artificial lighting on the ceiling will be a good light source; luminous frame in the form of spotlights around the perimeter of the false ceiling.

For the medium-light, suitable would be: floor lamps, wall sconces, lamps on low suspensions, LED lighting.

For the low light: spotlights, LED strip, table lamps on low nightstands are ideal.

For the inner light, most often designers use a LED strips.


3. For each type of lighting, use your own view

Depending on the tasks that the lighting performs, you must choose its type. So, diffused or reflected light is suitable for the upper one. By directing light on the walls or ceiling – usually light ones – you will get maximum illumination of the room.

Medium lighting is organized using accent light. For example, install a floor lamp near a chair, emphasizing a relaxation area, or a lamp with adjustable light on hinges or a flexible bar near the desktop. To illuminate paintings or other interior items, use directional lights such as spots, lamps on tires.

4. Choose the light of one color temperature

In each lighting group, the light must be at the same temperature. It is impossible to install in chandelier two light bulbs of warm color and three of cold white.

For overhead lighting, choose a warm color – it is more close to nature. For accent – white is suitable. The main thing is that in each group it is the same. In decorative lighting, the color temperature is selected depending on the materials: some seak more advantageous cold shade, others prefer warm, calm colors.

color of light lamps

An important point: hide the light source from the eyes. You should see the result of the lamp, but not the source itself. If the light strikes your eyes, it is unhealthy and uncomfortable.

5. Consider the purpose of the room when choosing its lighting

As far as general or overhead light is needed in the living room, it is just as irrelevant in the bedroom. Therefore, when organizing multi-level lighting, the features of the room should be taken into account. In the living room, you can use all levels of light – a chandelier, a floor lamp, a spot, and an LED strip to highlight, for example, a TV.

The bedroom needs soft diffused light, preferably so that it can be adjusted. Not only wall sconces can be installed next to the bed, but also lamps on a low suspension – this will give the room style and comfort.

lighting in the bedroom

In the kitchen, it is necessary to highlight the working and dining area. It is recommended to hang the lamp directly above the table, while its shape should repeat the shape of the tabletop. But in the working area, built-in spotlights or fluorescent lamps will be appropriate.

lighting in the kitchen

Multi-level lighting is a powerful tool in creating an interior. A well-thought-out scenario, following the rules, using the “smart light” system will make the room comfortable, stylish, cozy, and beautiful.

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