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Loft-style lamps and its features

Loft-style (LOFT) – let’s look at what it is, its main features, and which loft-style lamps are usually used. Translated from English, “loft” means “attic.” This is the architectural style of the 20th-21st centuries, representing the upper part of an industrial building, which was converted into a living area, office, or workshop.

Loft-style lamps

The rise of loft-style

Loft-style takes its roots in the United States around the 40-50s, in large industrial cities. The standard situation, when land prices in the city skyrocketed, the owners of the enterprises had no choice but to leave the premises and move production to the outskirts. So there were empty buildings of previous factories. Production facilities had certain functional features – these are high ceilings, large windows, volumetric spaces, capital walls, simple decoration. Since the prices of the abandoned premises were much cheaper than usual housing, while they had interesting architectural features and sufficient dimensions, they became very popular with aristocrats, musicians, artists and other bohemians, who with pleasure began to arrange studios, galleries and living quarters in them. They reached the peak of popularity by the 50s.

Gradually, a similar situation with the loft-style has developed in Europe. Residents of European cities followed the example of the Americans and began to settle in the attic and industrial premises.

Loft-style lamps

What is the difference between a loft-style?

  • large open windows (without curtains, tulle, etc.), through which natural light come in
  • high ceilings
  • maximum open space (without dividing into rooms), such as open space
  • textured walls – for concrete, brick, plaster. Sometimes the walls are decorated with plywood, sheets of metal
  • floors are often wooden or stone (artificial or natural)
  • the presence of beams, trusses, stairs – all the elements that could be in an industrial room. Pipes, ventilation systems are not hidden in the ceiling space but left insight as important elements of style
  • the color scheme of the room from several harmonizing cold colors that mimic the atmosphere of old plants (brick, concrete, light white and gray shades, dark metal colors)
  • furniture is selected either with a “touch of antiquity”, imitating the old environment or modern and functional
  • – the presence of glass elements and partitions, as well as architectural elements in chrome color, harmoniously look in the loft-style interiors.

Loft-style lamps

Since the loft-style implies a large open space, the issue of zoning is not decided by the presence of walls, but by the arrangement of furniture. Sofas or wardrobes become like walls and separate one zone from another.

Loft-style lamps

Loft style trends

Loft-style interiors are free, creative atmosphere with a lot of “air”. That is why this style is so popular and is used not only for private interiors but also for public places such as cafes and restaurants, hotels, hostels, creative workshops, art spaces. In them, a person usually feels comfortable, without experiencing a pressing sensation of wealth and pretentiousness, or the cold of hi-tech.

Loft-style lamps

It’s impossible to say that a loft-style can be enclosed in a “strict framework”. Each person sees its stylistically differently. Therefore, to give an idea to the interlocutor about what is meant, it is desirable to give a more detailed description of the interior and its elements. For some, this style is typically industrial. It looks similar to the factory floor, where pipes and communications, textured walls with brickwork, rough and simple furniture and interior items are located. Such a room is more likely to resemble the “den” of a fashionable bachelor who does not need extra elements since the interior should clearly fulfill its function, be convenient, and not restrictive. In such a room, you can easily ride a skateboard or scooter, lie in a real hammock or hang out with friends at the bar, playing darts.

Loft-style lamps

The other side of the loft is a space for creative people, bohemians (boho-loft), who cannot and do not want to live in a certain framework. In such interiors, you can find a lot of interesting things: the author’s paintings, shabby baroque furniture, many accessories, crystal chandeliers, sculptures, etc. Their spaces are filled with history, which they combine as they see fit. And against the background of the seemingly ascetic space of a factory or workshop, these things come to life, telling their unique story.


loft, bohemian loft, boho loft, loft style

Also, stylization of living spaces under the “loft” has become popular – this is the so-called “neo-loft” or “art-loft”. It is a softer reading of the style, taking into account the features of modern apartments, with not so large windows, and high ceilings.

loft, loft style, loft lamps, loft-style chandeliers

Lamps in the loft style: features, variety, options

1 – Particular attention in a loft-style should be paid to lamps. In open interiors, it performs tasks of a space zoning and decoration. Since the ceilings in the factory premises are high, loft-style lamps usually have a chain or long wires, depending on the characteristics of the lamp. If you illuminate the room with a ceiling lamp from a height of several meters, then it will be of little use. Therefore, the light source must be lowered closer to the area that it should illuminate, such as a dining table or sofa group.

loft, loft style, loft style lamps

2 – It is very convenient to use floor lamps. Local lighting is a necessary thing. They can be moved to the desired zone: for reading or communication. By design, they can resemble the spotlights used by photographers in the studio; with fabric shades and a wooden base; or something functional in the style of constructivism. The main thing is a harmonious atmosphere of the whole interior and elements.

loft, loft style, loft style floor lamps

3 – To provide additional lighting to pendant lights with metal shades in the room, rotary floodlights are used, installing them on the ceiling, directly on the beams, or pulling string systems between the walls.

loft, loft style, loft style lights, loft spotlights

4 – Pendant lights with wires-suspensions in a fabric braid look very nice. Usually, they are placed in a group in order to obtain the necessary level of lighting and assemble into an effective composition.

Pendant lights with wires-suspensions

5 – If the soul requires a chandelier with crystal pendants or a lamp more reminiscent of an art object, do not hesitate to place them in the interior. Undoubtedly, they will become the central element of the interior that attracts attention. But the lamp should be one (if several, then the same), otherwise, they will “argue” with each other and draw attention from one to the other. In open space, you need to place accents and highlight areas that are important in meaning.

loft, loft style, loft lamps, loft-style chandeliers

If you want to choose loft-style luminaires in your living space and not regret the wrong choice, it is better to have a visualization of the future interior with you to choose the most suitable luminaires for it, not only in design but also in functionality.

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1 Comment
  1. I couldn’t agree more with your points in this post about loft style lamps and its features. It’s refreshing to see someone addressing this issue, and your suggestions for tackling it are spot on. Looking forward to reading more.

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