The McQueen Collection – Where Lighting And Artwork Come Together => Every room needs quality and distinctive lighting, however, some manage to do this better than others. Functionality is great but simply not enough if you want your lighting design to mesmerize everyone who gets a glimpse at it. Now more than ever art is present in interior design and interior designers and savvy homeowners know that sculptural pieces can be the most dazzling way to bring incredible functionality and luxurious artwork together. Today, Modern Chandeliers brings you the best sculptural lighting solutions with the stunning McQueen collection, a line of lighting products that truly brings artwork and luxurious lighting together.
the mcqueen collection
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the mcqueen collection
The Detail In The Statements
McQueen Chandelier

The first piece we bring you today had to be the McQueen Chandelier, this is a true statement piece that will stand out in any venue just because of its character alone. Additionally, we have to marvel at the artistic design the McQueen possesses and all the exquisiteness it displays as this is a truly unique chandelier that will blend perfectly with the most luxurious ambiance and original interior designs.
McQueen II Chandelier
The McQueen II Chandelier is as theatrical as ever, formed from the natural features which have always influenced the line. The brass chandelier pays respect to the late fashion designer and his strong statements. A ferocious beauty who embodies the pinnacle of magnificence.
the mcqueen collection
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The Dazzling Suspensions
McQueen Globe Suspension
Let us bring you to the suspension side of the McQueen collection and introduce you to the wonderful McQueen Globe Suspension. The savvy beauty of this piece is what truly makes it a masterpiece, the splendorous design makes this piece perfect to use as a single item or in harmony with more than one element in the same area. Overall the end result will surely delight you as the functionality of this piece acts as a great complement to its bold artwork and design.
the mcqueen collection
McQueen Round Globe Suspension
The methodology to the pinnacle of contemporary luxury is preserved in the tradition of the jewelry makers, reinforcing the experimentalism in this new model of McQueen’s collection. Every layer of the McQueen Round Suspension is hammered brass with a gold-plated finish and a cyclical brightness of Swarovski crystals. Bring a ferocious mind to a great lighting solution for popular places such as living areas or hotel lobbies.
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McQueen Round Suspension
A Special Flair In Pendant Lighting
McQueen Pendant
Pendant lighting has quietly increased its popularity and brought a whole new dimension to luxury lighting designs everywhere. Without a doubt, the McQueen Pendant is one of the most artistic and elegant pieces of the whole collection, the refined materials, and embellished design create a stunning artwork that is as functional as it is beautiful.
the mcqueen collection

Sublimeness Through Every Wall
McQueen Wall Lamp
Nothing represents astonishing sculptural lighting like an excentric eye-catching piece, one of the best displays of excentricity presents itself in the form of the McQueen Wall Lamp. The exquisite design evokes a dramatic sensation of beauty that will leave everyone speechless, after all, wall lamps are not supposed to look this unique and convey this type of boldness. the mcqueen collection
⇒ See Also: McQueen Plafond ⇐
Extravagance Down To The Floor
McQueen Floor Lamp
Bringing the elegant and feminine vibe of the entire family, this McQueen floor lamp will certainly brighten everything around it. This absolute masterpiece embodies everything that elegant sculptural lighting stands for, from the luxurious design to the incredible attention to detail, this one is a work of art that manages to be subtle yet glamorous and showcases true romanticism which consequently creates true art for everyone to admire.
The Perfect Reflexion Of Luxury And Art
McQueen Wall Light Mirror
A carefully crafted aesthetic item. The jewelry makers’ approach to the pinnacle of modern luxury is preserved. The McQueen Wall Light Mirror, quite like a wild beauty, evokes the transcendent with its strong evocation. the mcqueen collection
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McQueen Wall Light Mirror
⇒ See Also: McQueen Rectangular Wall Light Mirror ⇐
the mcqueen collection
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