5 Memorable Chandeliers From Famous Movies – Today we bring you some of the most memorable chandeliers from movies. From breathtaking to vintage chandeliers, they all left us wishing we could have one at home.
Lighting is one of the most essential items that bring a room together, while they are extremely necessary, as we humans can’t live without electricity, chandeliers also add that je-ne-sais-quoi to any interior.
In this list, you will find a bit of everything, from old classics to recent sequels. The only thing they have in common is the fantastic chandeliers. Whether you are contemplating to add a chandelier to your own home, and you’re looking for inspiration, or you just feel like reading more about some of the movies you love to keep reading! We selected 5 unique chandeliers right off their sets to show you.
One of the most iconic scenes from Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1961) features a beautiful crystal chandelier on the window shop of Tiffany’s. It is so iconic that later the chandelier became a symbol of this movie. If you’re trying to go for this look, check this crystal chandelier.
These chandeliers from the Harry Potter movies are truly memorable ones. Paired with the exquisite flooring and marble elements, Gringotts Wizarding Bank certainly has a wealthy and luxurious vibe.
Jay Gatsby’s (Great Gatsby-2013) house is probably one of the most luxurious houses in movies ever! So, of course, it had to be replete of beautiful vintage chandeliers. Just look at this beautiful hall!
A famous movie scene from the Oscar winner Argo (2012). This scene would not be the same without all these beautiful chandeliers in the background.
You might remember this impressive chandelier from The Phantom of the Opera (2004). It even got its own scene. It weighs 2 tons and like this chandelier, it is made with Swarovski crystals.
What do you think of our selection? Do you know any other memorable chandeliers from films? Share your thoughts with us!