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House Of The Dragon:  Say Dracarys With These Lighting Fixtures

House Of The Dragon:  Say Dracarys With These Lighting Fixtures – After Game of Thrones came to an end we were all left with a hole in our hearts for multiple reasons. Who would have thought that three years later we would all be waiting for the return of the Targaryens to the screen? To celebrate House Of The Dragon, which premieres this August 21st, the Modern Chandeliers blog prepared a list of lighting fixtures that we think would fit our favouirte westerosi houses. Keep reading to discover more!

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House Of The Dragon

Say Dracarys With These Lighting Fixtures

House Targaryen: Scala Chandelier

House Of The Dragon:  Say Dracarys With These Lighting Fixtures

Since the beginning, fans have favoured the Targaryens. We first got to know them through Daenerys Targaryen, the legendary dragon queen, and mother of dragons, who we followed on her quest for eight seasons. Now we get to see her ancestors in this new series during a period when dragons ruled the seven kingdoms and graced the skies. The Scala chandelier is the perfect choice for such an important and powerful house. It is a masterpiece lighting fixture, poetically made with the most beautiful crystals, that emulates the power and fierceness of the Dragons.

House Velaryon: Pharo Chandelier

House Of The Dragon:  Say Dracarys With These Lighting Fixtures

Those who haven’t read the books yet will also be introduced to new families in House Of The Dragon. Like the Targaryens, House Velaryon of Driftmark is a family with roots in ancient Valyria. They are well known for leading a traditional seafarer’s lifestyle and have long supported the Dragons, with whom they share many family ties. They are wealthier than the Lannisters, although they don’t display it as much. They have one of the strongest navies in the seven kingdoms so it is not a surprise that we would choose a lighting fixture that would have some sort of coastal inspiration, such as the Pharo Chandelier. Inspired by the Lighthouse of old Alexandria, like the Velaryons it has ties to an ancient world that was also destroyed.

Get the look:

Pharo Chandelier


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House Lannister: Empire Chandelier

House Of The Dragon:  Say Dracarys With These Lighting Fixtures

The powerful lions of House Lannister were expert players. Throughout the entire series, they offered us memorable quotes and scenes that set up pivotal moments that made us gasp and cry with despair and rage. Do you recall when Cersei destroyed the Sept of Baelor? There is no greater decorative item to complement the regal and powerful nature of this house than the Empire Chandelier, a work of art with an extravagant shape that can turn any room into a breathtaking scene.

House Hightower: Pharo Floor Lamp

House Of The Dragon:  Say Dracarys With These Lighting FixturesAnother family that will be featured in House Of The Dragon is the Hightowers. They are one of the richest families in The Reach and are Lords of the Hightower in Oldtown. Their motto is “We Light the Way,” and their sigil is a stone-white watchtower with a fire on top. Because of this, we selected another member of the Pharo Collection. Designed in a simple and robust style and made of brass and crystal, the Pharo Floor Lamp takes both the architecture and the symbolism of lighthouses into account and is able to light up any space as a beacon.

House Stark: Babel Suspension

House Of The Dragon:  Say Dracarys With These Lighting Fixtures

Another fan favourite, the Starks were probably the ones who made us suffer the most. One of the oldest and most loyal houses in Westeros, they usually stay in the North because Stark men don’t fare well when they travel south. Following this train of thought, we chose to attribute to the wardens of the North the Babel Suspension. Involved in mith and with an icy aesthetic, it is a lighting fixture that fits the aesthetic of a modern Winterfell.


Get the look:

Babel Suspension

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House Tyrell: McQueen II Wall Lamp

House Of The Dragon:  Say Dracarys With These Lighting Fixtures

Growing Strong” are the words from house Tyrell and, in fact, they did grow in our hearts throughout the years. Although we are unsure if they will appear in House Of The Dragon, they gave us one of the greatest characters of all time in the form of Olenna Tyrell, the Queen Of Thorns, so we had to include them. We were drawn to choose a piece from the McQueen Collection for a house with such a romantic and opulent style. The McQueen II Wall Lamp‘s strong impression of the sublime perfectly captures the spirit of the Tyrells.

See also: LUXXU Stocklist

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